Good Sex


You probably know an important key to a thriving, successful, happy, and lasting marriage is building and maintaining a healthy marriage. But where do you start? 

In our previous blogs we looked at the first 5 keys to a thriving marriage: strengthening our connection, the art of communication, resolving conflict, the power of forgiveness and the impact of family.

In this blog we’ll look at key number six:

Good Sex

How we view sex makes all the difference. Often in our society sex is separated from relationship and commitment. There is a strong desire for instant gratification and an assumption that good sex can only be found in a new relationship or affair. We believe that married love is better than new love and in the Marriage Course we will explore ways to make this possible. We will look into the role good sex plays for a successful marriage and open up discussion around a topic that’s often taboo or seldom shared.

What would you say are qualities of a good lover? How can you become such a lover to your spouse?

If you’d like to find out more about the topic, why not considering doing a Marriage course in your area or online, please click the button below to get in contact with me, I would love to hear from you.

Keys to a thriving marriage