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Bible with Nicky & Pippa
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Try Alpha
What is Alpha?
Why should I consider to attend the Alpha Course? How will I benefit from participating in this course? And how can I find a course if I want to sign-up?
Alpha Stories
Watch inspiring stories of lives transformed by the Alpha Course
Alpha Film Series
Alpha Youth Series
Run Alpha
How to run Alpha
Why should I run the Alpha Course at my church? How will my church and our community benefit from this course? What do we need to get started?
Preview the Alpha Talks
Before you run Alpha, you can preview all the videos for all of the Alpha series.
Run Alpha
Run Alpha Youth
The Marriage Courses
The Marriage Course
The Pre-Marriage Course
Try a Marriage Course
Why should I consider to attend the Marriage Course? How will I benefit from participating in this course? And how can I find a course if I want to sign-up?
Run a Marriage Course
Why should I run The Marriage Course at my church? How will my church and our community benefit from this course? What do we need to get started?
Marriage Stories
Watch inspiring stories from couples around the world who’ve benefitted from the Marriage Courses.
The Parenting Courses
The Parenting Children Course
The Parenting Teenagers Course
Try a Parenting Course
Why should I consider to attend the Parenting Course? How will I benefit from participating in this course? And how can I find a course if I want to sign-up?
Run a Parenting Course
Why should I run The Parenting Course at my church? How will my church and our community benefit from this course? What do we need to get started?
Parenting Stories
Watch inspiring stories from parents who have taken the Parenting Courses
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