Stay Curious

Resources to invite guests to your next Alpha

What is an Alpha campaign?

Alpha campaigns are a collection of print and digital materials designed to make inviting guests to Alpha that little bit easier.

Why run an Alpha campaign?

Running an Alpha campaign is a great way to show potential guests what Alpha looks like and encourage your congregation to invite people on your next course.

How do I get started?

We know lots of resources can feel overwhelming, so here’s a guide to help you get the best of the new Alpha campaign. Find all the resources you need below!

Download this video when you register a course in MyAlpha



It’s all in the invitation. Print materials are a great way to support your congregation to invite their friends. This campaign contains multiple sized posters, banners, invite cards and more.


Videos are great for showing Alpha in church services and on social media*. This campaign includes a ‘Stay Curious’ campaign video and a ‘What is Alpha’ walkthrough video, in addition to series trailers.

Screen Slides

Talking about Alpha at church encourages your congregation to invite people to your next course! This campaign includes screen slides along with the videos to get you ready for your church services.

Social Media*

Talking about Alpha on your social media shows guests what Alpha looks like. Alpha has created Instagram grid and story graphics, animations and more for you to share, along with a helpful guide.*

*Please Note: The Social Media Guide and assets were created for an international audience. Please exercise caution and sensitivity when considering using these resources in your local context.

Why Stay Curious?

Alpha conducted research to better understand people’s attitudes towards and awareness of Alpha. Our new campaign encourages people to bring their curiosity, adventurous and open-minded attitudes to Alpha – where they can make memories with new and interesting people.

This campaign encourages people’s desire for community and connection, and recognises that curiosity is part of our human nature. 

We’re born curious, let’s stay like it.

Try Alpha and Explore Faith with others

Need anything else?

MyAlpha is the best place to go for any extra resources you might want! Prayer cards, banners, guest guides… find it all on MyAlpha or get in touch with our team – we’d love to hear from you.